International permaculture conference in Cuba,IPC 11
Time is flying so fast! Unbelievable... So I need to update for sure. Lot's of exciting things are happening at the moment. But I need to write first a little bit about the IPC 11 in Cuba! It was such an amazing experience. The whole trip! It was my first time in Cuba. A place where I wanted to go already for a very very long time. It is an very very interesting, inspiring, beautiful, sad, confusing, powerful place. I would say go there and have look and create your own opinion. For now all about the IPC 11. The conference: So many people, from all around the world, meeting each other give me alway goose spongs(?) Sorry not a native English speaker. Amazing to meet all my friends I haven't seen for a long time. Running into my pc teachers. Seeing friends I thought I would not see for a much longer time. Form Australia, Europe, U.S. Caribbean... they were all there. People hugging and greeting. People full op pos. pc energy. So many... 400 in total I wished I could meet them all. Even on the last day I was running into more very very interesting people. Gush! So amazing. 3 Days of wonderful talks. Being proud of seeing a friend of mine who I met in Portugal in my class giving this amazing talk. Listening to other peoples talks, inspiration everywhere. From Roberto Perrez to Andy gold ring, Helder Valente, Albert Bates, Robyn Francis, Robin Cleyfield, Darren Doherty, Marisha Auerbach Stuart Wilson and many many more. Taking notes all day long... in the breaks while waiting in the line getting to know people, exchange information, websites and a great networking

I loved to meet lot's of people from the Caribbean and connect. Exchanging simular experiences. One of the days I was sitting in the Panel talking about permaculture Islands in the Caribbean. Talking about the problems we encounter in the Caribbean. A problem of climate, the way we are depended on importing our food, the super multi mix of cultures, the salty winds etc etc
The confergence:
After a long nice trip in 4 busses we arrived to a nice place where we were sleeping in shared Cabana's very close to the beach!
There were lots of different places where they were giving lectures at the same time. It was not easy to choose! I wished I could follow them all. It was a big marathon of wonderful stories, meeting people, ideas.
After the lectures at the end of the they it hardly stopped. There were more meetings organized. One for example was a meeting of all the permaculturists of Latin-America (LA). Talking, brainstorming about how to find a way to connect better and find a slow green sustainable transformation in LA. Maybe you can almost call it a green revolution.

The Permaculture tours:
The group was so big that we had to split the busses. So one big group went to the other side and rest the an other site... half way we met for lunch together and we were split up again.
It is a good sign that there is so much interest. From all the urban gardens and rural places, finca's I received so many ideas! Together with all the Ideas from all over the world... I am ready to implement it on Curaçao once I find my piece of land. I hope in this way I can help to bring in some awareness at the people on how to live in a sustainable environment. This is so important.
I feel closely connected to all the pc people in the world. It feels like a kind of mundial family where we are supporting each other on our path ways to achieve sustainability. I am very thankful that I had this opportunity.